
Can i eat seafood?

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so i'm a vegetarian can i eat seafood?

i heard some people eat turkey and chicken?




  1. its your choice, but a true vegetarian doesnt eat seafood.

    some people just cut out red meat...

  2. You can do whatever you want. But, let me tell you, vegetarians do NOT eat chicken, fish, cows, pigs, or ANY meat. Vegans do NOT eat chickens, fish, cows, pigs, or any dairy products- or any products that have come, or been made by, animals.

  3. If seafood is something you want to eat, why would you let a label stop you? I don't eat pork, but am not Jewish because of it (I am a Christian), for some reason, the thought of it just grosses me out. You should eat whatever you want to because You like it, not because some group tells you that you can't.

    Mmmm, fried shrimp...yummy!

  4. Sure, you can eat seafood...

    you just can't call yourself a vegetarian :)

    fish and crabs and lobsters are harmed and hurt just as much as the other animals.

  5. people who eat any animal products and call themselves vegetarian/vegan are posers haha. No, if you eat any of those things, you are no kind of vegetarian. Think about the word, vegetarian=vegetation, and last time I checked, you can't grow a fish. or a chicken or turkey.

    I could be wrong though, I do have the day off, so maybe I will go and plant a chicken in the ground and see what happens :D

  6. If you are a true vegetarian, you can not eat seafood. There is no vegetable from sea food.

  7. Nope. Vegetarians don't eat any animals, and this includes sea creatures, chickens, and turkeys.

  8. Well,i think it is up to you if you want to eat seafood or not because if you really want to try it,you can try it...

  9. Seafood is the best way to get necessary protein and some vitamins you won't get with just a vegetarian diet.

  10. You can eat WHATEVER you want. I don't, but that's because I think fish are just as crucial to this world as cows and other animals are.

  11. I thought vegetarians didnt eat meat at all because they consider it to be cruel to kill something just for a humans comsumption. So why would you be a true vegetarian and kill your meat to it...seafood included..

  12. You can eat whatever you want, but you can't be a vegetarian if you eat fish or any other meat.  The whole point of being a vegetarian is to not consume meat.

    If you eat only seafood you are a pescetarian if labels are really important to you.  

    Anyone who eats meat and calls themselves a vegetarian is either misinformed or plain ignorant.

    I am a vegan and I get all of my nutrients through plants and non-animal sources.  People who tell you it's impossible are wrong.

  13. no. a true vegetarian does not eat fish, and they deffinatly do not eat turkey and chicken. hope i helped. : )

  14. Yes.

    But don't tell the fish. If you say anything they'll be on to you like beans on a burrito.

  15. Only fake vegetarians do that.

  16. You can still eat seafood if you want to, but I wouldn't. Fish suffer just as much as any other animal does.

    Here is a website you can check out about the slaughter of fish:

    As for turkey and chickens, some vegetarians eat them, but I don't think that's a true vegetarian. Then again, I don't think people who eat seafood are true vegetarians either.

    Hope I helped :)
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