
Can i eat spagetti sauce if im lactose intolerant?

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Can i eat spagetti sauce if im lactose intolerant?




  1. yeah... spaghetti sauce is tomatoes ... no milk  

  2. Yepp, just dont add parmesan cheese on top. Its fine, like theres no dairy in it. just be careful what you put into the spaghetti sauce. and the pasta's main ingredient is wheat, no dairy at all.

  3. yup

  4. Yes, because there's no dairy in spaghetti (tomato) sauce. Lactose is found in milk. You wouldn't be able to sprinkle cheese on it though.

  5. depends what kind of spaghetti sauce

  6. yes you can, not alfrado sauce tho or anything that says 'creamy'

    shouldnt you know this stuff?  : )

  7. yeha, as long as it has no dairy products.

    get preggo sauce! its the best (:

    just dont eat anything with dairy!

    shouldnt you know this already lol??

    well, i hope i helped (:

  8. yes...unless it has butter..then no..


    Lactose intolerance is caused by a shortage of the enzyme lactase, which is produced by the cells that line the small intestine. Lactase breaks down milk sugar into two simpler forms of sugar called glucose and galactose, which are then absorbed into the bloodstream. Not all people deficient in lactase have the symptoms commonly associated with lactose intolerance, but those who do are said to have lactose intolerance.

    I don't think spagetti sauce has any lactose in it..if there is then it would be a tolerant amount..

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