
Can i eat tea?

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is it safe?




  1. Can you eat it ?? idk can you

    Is it safe?? yeah prob theres no chemicals or anything in them and people put dry tea leaves on foods like

    rubs and seasonings

    so it should be ok

  2. probably, but it might not taste so great...

  3. yeah its safe. idk if it would taste that good tho =]

  4. In Japan you're always encouraged to eat the leaves at the bottom of your green tea. Apparently they're very good anti-oxidants and most herbalists swear by them.

  5. Yes.  Lot's of caffiene.  But it won't hurt you....that bad.

  6. haha ye but it wil taste like mouse poo

  7. Why not drink it like normal people?


  9. you can eat tea... however if you eat tea out of tea bags... it is not necessarily safe because it can be processed..... but natural tea is safe to eat

  10. Yeah it's not dangerous to eat tea... I ate a plant once for a sandwich. Tea would probably taste slightly better.

  11. Sure, if you're able to resist the bitter taste of the leaves.

  12. tea popsicles!!!!!!!

  13. Mmmm! Yummy.

  14. I don't see why not... I have a pill filler and buy empty jell caps and buy green tea, powder it, then make my own supplement pills... That has never hurt me before...

    Tea is really good for you... Especially Americans that don't get our antioxidants through REAL food...

  15. i watched a cooking show where the guy used a spice-tea rub (spices and loose leaf tea) for his fish, chicken, or beef.

    I think eating tea leaves is perfectly safe.  It contains no chemicals and no substances.
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