
Can i eat tuna from a can, which is being out in my car trunk for two days in 98 degree heat? can is close ?

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Can i eat tuna from a can, which is being out in my car trunk for two days in 98 degree heat? can is close ?




  1. Only if you open the can first.

  2. What did you do kidnap a can of tuna...........

  3. if you do not mind the technicolor yawn , no problem. but if you want to remain a productive member of society for the next couple of days, i would pitch that can and go far one that has been stored properly.  

  4. ya wouldn't trust that!!! unless you want to get sick!

  5. Give it to your cat.

  6. Probably not a good idea. =X

  7. Well If The Can Is Not Opened Its Good. But Don't Eat It Directly Out The Can. Make Tuna Salad Or Somethin.

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