
Can i fake pregnant?!?!?!?!

by Guest32732  |  earlier

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I want to freak out my friends..... is there something i can do or eat so when i take a pregnancy test it will come out positive? Don't worry its just for a joke. Thanks :]]]]




  1. that would not be very funny---

  2. NOT funny in the least.

  3. No, you have to have the hormone to make it change.  Why don't you just ask a pregnant lady to do one for you?  You would need to buy the sticks of course.  

    Don't do this to trick a guy - that's very uncool.

  4. I'm assuming you are in middle school or high school and the thing about this is you are just going to make people start gossiping about you. It doesn't matter if you tell everyone its a joke, they are still going to call you a s**t and w***e because its "juicy gossip". That is not something you want to do to yourself. It takes a long time to shake a reputation like that. And not only that, no one will ever believe anything you say anymore and just give people even more of a reason to talk about you behind your back. Why don't you try being a little more creative as opposed to self destructive with your "pranks"

  5. No.  Pregnancy tests only show positive if you have the pregnancy hormone in your body.

    Why would you even want to joke around about something like that?

    If you're young(which you seem) your friends will probably just think(deep down) that you're a w***e.

  6. no, that won't work and isn't funny. my friend told me she was pregnant in a joke and we believed her it was horrible.

  7. Um, yeah...Sweetheart....???

    What are you thinking? "Playing Pregnant" at a young age (which i HAVE to assume you are) is not a smart thing to do! I'm sure you just want to freak out your friends, but things like this end up as angry parents getting phone calls from friends parents because of mis-communication And this is something you dont want, i know my little sister tried this little "Prank" ended up embarrassing herself, involving the her school, friends parents, her parents, and a REAL hospital pregnancy test.

    If you really want to make a pregnancy test come out positive...go have unprotected s*x, catch a few STI, be the little s**t YOU are ACTING like, pee on a test and POOF you will eventually probably get a positive one!

    Seriously though Sweetheart GROW UP!!

  8. get a life  

  9. no pregnancy tests detect hormones that you only have while pregnant or while taking certain drugs designed to help people get pregnant. also its not funny  

  10. not that I'm aware of.  It's a hormone called hCG.  Some types of cancer can cause elevated levels of the hormone...but that's not even a funny joke.

    Do you know someone who is pregnant?  Ask them to take one, give it to you...pretend you are going to take the test...and viola!

  11. the only way would be have a person you know is pregnant  take the test then swap it when no one is looking ..  

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