
Can i feed 60 people a day, instead of fasting my self, is it halal? Will i have to fast the days again?

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Can i feed 60 people a day, instead of fasting my self, is it halal? Will i have to fast the days again?




  1. The way I understood it, if you CAN'T fast, like if you're sick or something, you must feed a certain amount of people. My dad doesn't fast b/c he has many medications to take, so he feeds people instead. Besides, there is a purpose to fasting, it strengthens you spiritually, so why would you want to skip out on it any ways :) ?? Just wondering.....

  2. if you cannot fast and will not able to fast in the future you can feed one person for every day you don't fast.

    if you are capable of fasting, it will not help feeding a million a day

  3. You can not unless you are unable to fast.;...

  4. If you are capable of fasting then you should fast the days yourself.


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