
Can i feed maggots to leopard geckos?

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can i feed maggots from a fishing shop to the baby leopard geckos i am going to get?




  1. Um..I wouldn't..

    That sounds gross, and they could have all kinds of bacteria and diseases, and you don't want your geckos getting sick.

    I'd stick with crickets, until they got bigger then you can feed them crickets, meal worms, and if they ever get skinny, or if you want to give them a little treat, wax worms are always fun for them. Just don't only use wax worms - they're fatty and pretty addicting.

    As they get bigger, you can widen their food options =]

  2. Yes...

    Bugs! They're insectivores, so bugs should be the bulk of their diet. Crickets, cockroaches, mealworms, waxworms, silkworms, hornworms, phoenix worms/maggots, locusts and so on

  3. I wouldn't suggest feeding maggots to a baby/young Leo.

    He should have gut loaded insects such as crickets, Phoenix, Silk, and Meal worms.  Insects should be no larger than the space between his eyes.

    Go easy on the Meal worms.  Their hard chitinous shell is hard to digest, and can cause impaction (intestinal blockage).

    You'll need a good reptile vitamin and calcium powder with D3 so he doesn't get MBD (keep these refrigerated to prolong the life of the vitamins).  Dust (place gut loaded insects in a plastic bag and shake to coat them) the insects 2-3 times a week with vitamins and calcium.

    I'll post some links below for you to peek out so you can learn what you need to know about caring for your new Leo.  But please note my disclaimer.

    Kuddos for researching your gecko before you get it.  An informed owner is happy one with a healthy and content pet.

    I hope this has been helpful.

  4. Fly larvae (maggots) should NEVER be used.Leopard geckos are carnivorous; in the wild they will feed on any moving prey. Beetles, spiders, grubs and scorpions are the mainstay of their diet. In captivity, crickets, small locusts and mealworms are preferable; many will also accept new-born mice. The size of prey should be relative to the size of the gecko. An adult specimen will readily accept adult house crickets, adult field crickets and giant mealworms.Wild-caught insects should also be avoided in case they have recently been sprayed with insecticide or other pest control.

    Vitamin supplements should be used whenever possible. The insect prey can be dusted with a suitable preparation, e.g. SA37, Vionate, Cricket Plus or Nutrobal. Prior to use, the crickets can be placed in a jar or suitable container, sprinkled with the supplement and either shaken (to cover the insects) before feeding to the geckos or left in the jar to feed on the supplement a few hours before offering to the geckos.

    Check out this useful site on the Leopard Geckos diet!

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