
Can i feed my 2 year old female leopard gecko pinky mice?

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Can i feed my 2 year old female leopard gecko pinky mice?




  1. As others have said, leo's are insectivores and are not metabolically able to digest pinkies easily! Sure, they CAN...but as responsible owners, we should do what's best for them! Feeding pinks is an outdated practice; there are so many more nutritous feeders out there to choose from nowadays.

    If you want to give your leo a treat, try silkies or phoenix worms. I breed my own roaches, so I don't much worry about food anymore and they LOVE the discoids! Other choices include supers (if adults), mealies, butter worms and locusts/crickets

    Hope this helps.. :]

  2. No!  I mean, you can... but, it would NOT be good for her, so don't do it!

    She is not designed by nature to digest the fat content.  Her natural prey is insects, and the occasional tiny gecko!

    She can barely digest a meal worm, and you want to feed her a pinkie?!!

    She is not like a snake, and looking for a meal once a week to tide her over till the next feeding.  Geckos don't work that way, and their digestive track isn't set up for such an imposing menu!

    If you check out Bearded Dragons (and they get 18" or so), you will see even for this 'large predator' compared to your leo, that they can only handle the occasion pinkie!

    If you want to expand her diet, offer her Phoenix, Silk, Butter, and Greatworms (no larger than the space between her eyes).  She will take them from your fingers or a bowl.  Avoid wax worms other than as a treat 1-2 times a week (I don't use them at all).

    I'll post some links you can check out below if you haven't already, but note my disclaimer.

    An informed owner is a happy one with a healthy and content pet.

    Enjoy your Leo, and I hope this has been helpful.

  3. No, you should not. it should not eat anything bigger than her head. if you want to try something that will put weight on it then try a small horn worm or wax worm.

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