
Can i feed my dwarf hamster sweet potato?

by  |  earlier

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the manager of petsmart told me that hamsters love eating sweet potato

how should i prepare it, raw?

and how much should i give him?

thanks :)




  1. feed it to him raw.  Just cut a small chunk off and put it in the cage.  he'll know what to do!!

  2. yes.

  3. yes. Dwarf hamsters LOVE veggies. It's important to have a varied diet for you hamster to keep them happy and entertained! Daily you should feed your hamster mixed grain feed or green feed and a piece of fruit. Every 2-3 days you should give them (a small piece of ) meat, (1/2 teaspoon) of yogurt, or (1/2 teaspoon) of cottage cheese. Once a week give him branches for gnawing or half a dog biscuit.

    DO NOT FEED: Almonds, red beans, potato sprouts, green parts of potatoes or tomatoes, fool's parsley, poison hemlock, laburnum, autumn crocus, or anything cooked or roasted.

  4. Not raw.  Too much starch.  Bake in oven for 45 mins and smear it on him for most enjoyment.

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