
Can i find all the books on the Dussmann website in their book store in Berlin?

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i've heard that this is a great book store and i would like to buy some books from them, i found it on the website but the site is in german and i don't understand if i cand find that book in the store or i have to order it via their website.. i will travel to berlin soon but if i have to order by mail i have to know .. so can u help me with this information ?




  1. No, they won't have all the books in stock.

    Under the book title you'll find the info on how long it is going to take them to get it for you.

    For example:

    "Lieferbar innerhalb von ein bis zwei Wochen"


    In Stock within 1 or 2 weeks after order.

    "Lieferbar innerhalb von ein bis zwei Werktagen"


    In Stock within 1 or 2 working days after order.

    Why don't you let me know which book you would like to buy and I'll check for you...

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