
Can i find out a webkinz or shining stars secret code without buying it?

by  |  earlier

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i got my shining stars plush as a gift and by accident i named it on the website a different name i wanted it to be. i tryed re-entering my code so i could start over again, but it didn't work.




  1. if you named it something you dont like you will just have to live with that. i dont think anyone would be willing to give up either a webkinz or shinng star. if you are really that concerned just go buy another!

    and it is just plain retarded to ask for codes or type in random ones. think about how if you guessed a code and it was real, somewhere in the world a little kid would be heartbroken to find out their code was taken!!!!!!!!!!!

    it happened to my cousin's friend's lil sis...

  2. I'm sorry to say that to take and/or use a code you did not buy would be as bad as stealing, and therefore there is no way. you can buy just the codes on Ebay and such, or you can face the fact that you'll need to pay and find a way to buy them.

  3. Once you have used the code, it is done. If you try to abuse the sites by using codes that don't belong to you, you can have your account terminated without absolutely any chance of getting it back. Best thing to do is bite the bullet and buy another toy if the proper name means that much to you.

  4. Sorry!

    If you would like a webkinz, or a shining star code, get it the way everybody else does and buy it! Sorry.

    I don't think anyone will just hand some sort of stranger an unsed code that THEY bought for THEMSELVES.

    I may seem a little harsh, but it's true.

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