
Can i find out the sales price history of a property through public records?

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I found my sales my price for my property at my local county appraisers office, but can I find the previous sales prices and owners before me on any type of public records?




  1. My county tax assessor's website has sales price history, but it doesn't go back very far, maybe 15 years or so, on the website.  Stopping by in person may yield more information.

  2. Do a web search on:

    <your county name> tax assessment.

    for example, I lived in Alexandria City VA.  If you google:

    Alexandria City Tax Assessment

    It's the first thing that comes up and provides a neat tool that lists tax information, sales information, owner info... (whether or not the owner pays their taxes) and other neat stuff.  I found same thing for LA county (Star Surfing) and Fairfax County VA... other places too.

  3. once there is a new owner the last owner and their records are no longer valid-- so many counties erase them and put you in that book and page

  4. Hi. Some counties have this kind of info available. Checkit out.

    Also check the sites below for more info and a possible method of finding it out online.

  5. Some of the assessors and/or appraisal websites show that information, but not all.  You can put in your parcel number or address, depending on the search objectives, and then look for the history.  Some websites only show the assessed value history though.

  6. It depends on the county.  This is a great question for a realtor.  It should be easy for them to find.

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