
Can i fire my personal injury lawyer and do i have too take the insurance company offer?

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Can i fire my personal injury lawyer and do i have too take the insurance company offer?




  1. You can fire the lawyer, but (depending on what state you are in) he is still entitled to be compensated for the amount of work he did on the claim.  He'll have to provide you with an accounting.

    You do not have to take the settlement the insurance company is offering.  Make sure if you do fire your lawyer you send a letter to the insurance company so it is aware.

  2. Sure, you can fire your lawyer, but you may still have to pay them.  NO, you don't have to take an insurance company offer - the alternative is suing the at fault party in court and getting a judgement.

    But the insurance company never pays more than the policy limit.

  3. You do not have to take an insurance company offer.  The choice is yours.  However, firing your lawyer depends on the nature of the agreement you have with the lawyer.  Be careful.  If you fire the attorney, and have an agreement that the attorney gets a given percentage of any settlement, they WILL take what is due them from the settlement.

  4. yes you can do that anytime.. your not bound

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