
Can i get Acanthamoeba if i wear Focus Dailies contact lenses?

by  |  earlier

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can i? because i wear them once and then i throw them out. and i swim with them on so i won't do that anymore. and i dont sleep with them on.




  1. Yes,you can,since contact lens use predisposes you to fungal keratits (infection of the whites of the eyes). But, since you use daily lenses, the chance of this happening is less than someone who uses monthlies. And you're right to not swim or sleep in them.

  2. Using the daily lenses will reduce, but not eliminate, the chance of getting acanthamoeba keratitis.

    I have a friend who has suffered with this for a few years now.  He's getting a corneal transplant in a few weeks.  You are wise to take steps to prevent contracting it!

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