
Can i get Disability Living Allowance for my 5 year old son?

by Guest57669  |  earlier

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He has a disability called Dyspraxia.

My children's Health Visitor told me to try find out about it.

I live in England.




  1. I'm not sure how difficult it is to get this kind of help in the UK but, it does exist here in the US. You may have to apply for it and maybe even challenge the state if they turn you down at fist.

    It is somewhat a long process however; it may be very beneficial for you to try.

    Good Luck!

  2. Yes you can and a carers allowance as well.

    My daughter has just been statemented ,because traumatic events in her life have made her behaviour un controlable and she has to go to a special school and i have applied for a carers allowance for my daughter

  3. It can't hurt to try for it.

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