
Can i get HIV or AID's like this ?

by  |  earlier

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ok so this is what happend me and my boyfriend was having s*x and we dont use condoms and when we were threw he asked me if i was bleeding ?

and i was like no

so when i was in the tub and he was wippeing his self off

he noticed that he had a cut and like blood was coming out of it

and im like **** how in the **** did that happen

and he told me how he got the cut

and when i went 2 clean in side of myself i noticed that i had blood

from him in side of me ............!!

so can i get HIV and AID's like that ?




  1. yes you can. AIDS can be spread thru blood or s***n. please please go get urself checked out

  2. i dont know but u definitely need to go get checked

  3. Do you know you and your boyfriend's HIV status? If one of you is HIV positive, then you are at a high risk. The only way to truly know is for you both to go get tested.  

  4. The fact that you are asking this question tells me you have ABSOLUTELY NO BUSINESS HAVING s*x!!Baby girl, if you did not know, the fact that you did not use a condom to begin with puts you at risk of contracting the disease. The HIV virus is NOT just spread through contact with an infected person's blood. If your boyfriend has it, it is in his s***n too. Please go to the library, take a s*x ed course, go get information from the health clinic in your neighborhood, or something. You need more education. People like you are one of the factors behind the spread of this disease.  

  5. yes you can you can get it from having unprotected s*x in the first place whether or not he is bleeding  

  6. why the **** dont you use a condom you dumb *****?

    if he has AIDS then yes you certainly can get HIV.

    use a condom you dumb ****.

  7. If you are worried about catching either of this then WHY are you having unprotected s*x?

    They ways of which you may catch aids are:

    Receiving Blood Transfusions

    Needle Sharing

    Having Unprotected s*x with an Infected Partner

    HIV makes its way into all the body's fluids, but only blood, s***n, vaginal discharge, and breast milk contain enough of the virus to infect others.

    If you are worried about HIV or AIDS you should both go and get tested!

    Check out this website for more details  

  8. The short answer is yes - but the blood has nothing to do with it.

    If he has HIV, then you'll get HIV from the unprotected s*x - whether or not there is blood involved.   HIV is spread through blood AND s***n.   So even if he didn't bleed, you could still catch HIV from his s***n.

  9. If he is infected with the HIV/AIDS virus then yes you absolutely can. Most STDs are spread through body fluids blood being one that goes through all of your body.

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