
Can i get Housing?.....?

by  |  earlier

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I am 18 and live at home with my mom in a small (council) house, we have alot of arguments! And i really want to move out! Could i go in the council office and just ask for a house?




  1. No. What you can do is get your mum to write a letter saying she's asked you to leave, and they'll find you temporary accom. and eventually you'll get a flat.

  2. you can go and put you name on the list, but i doubt if you will get one for a while, try and work things out with your mum if your at work, save till you can afford a deposit on a flat

  3. no chance , they wouldnt see you as homeless, if you work they will tell you to go private, they may offer you a hostel but then your not gauranted a flat . they dont help british people anymore.try and sort things out with your mom, and save for a deposit, your only young.

  4. Yeah anyone can ask - whether you get one is a different matter!

    They only like to house: smack heads, under age pregnant single mothers or the Polish so unless you come under any of those categories you may as well forget it.

    EDIT: Only stating the truth.

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