
Can i get PGA?

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i score 62 on 72par. Is pro good or is that amature good????? Also what happeneds if i get a PGA card?




  1. It largely depends on the course, and how consistent you are. Getting into the PGA is TOUGH; and here's how it all happens:

  2. to get a pga card u first have to 4 handicap or lower

    then you take a test on your knowledge of the game

    finally u hit tour school and if your good enough well see u on tv

  3. If in fact you really shot a 62 congrats,that's a hard score to get. Do you score below par on a consistent basis,and if you do then I would try qualifying for Q-school. That's where you would earn your PGA or Nationwide card to play in the top pro tourneys. That is an extremely hard thing to do because the way they set up the top pro courses are much harder than your local golf club,but hey give it a shot,maybe you'll get there.

  4. nice job
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