
Can i get a Professional Boxing license at 17?

by  |  earlier

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Ive been boxing since i was 14, and stopped several months after i turned 15 due to hair line fractures in my wrist. My wrist is great and strong and they get the ultimate protection from my wraps and professional gloves! I just wanted to know that if i started back again and kicked some amateur *** to get some more experience can i get my professional license when im 17 or 17 and a halfsh? or do i have to be an adult? I live in LA, CA and train at WildCard Boxing Club.

I turn 16 on june 18, im physically fit, i dont have health/heart/cardio problems. im good to go... again.

I dont want to go big in boxing, atleast not now, i just want to be able to call myself professional and get a few fights under my name.




  1. No you have to be 18 to get a lisence to box,

    Also why would you want to start this early anyways??>

    Stay in the amaturs like myself you can get good experince

    and see how skilled you really are...

    wait unitl your 18 or 19 first.....

    Also there arent many Promotion companys that will

    hire you if you are young with no experince

    they look at your amatur experince to determine whether your good or not

  2. You must be 18 years of age to obtain

    a professional boxing license in the state of

    California.. I'm sure that Freddy Roach or almost any other coach in Wild Card Gym can confirm my answer.

  3. possible... if you declare yourself as an adult... check w/ a lawyer to get the process done...

  4. Go to Mexico.  Those cats fight pro at 16.

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