
Can i get a Tokay Gecko at petsmart?

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I tried to go to sleep last night and saw a cockroach crawl across my bed. I had a 2 hour delema with it and finally killed the discusting insect! Although i killed the roach, i feel that there might be more in my house. I happened to do research on how to get rid of the bugs and one of the ways was to simply buy a certain type of lizard that eats these roaches. I understand that i cant have the gecko roam free around the house and understand that they are a very anti-social and very agresive pet. But i would enjoy having another pet and could feed him any other roaches that i have. If anyone knows where i could purchase this animal please answer my question!!!




  1. I dont think Petsmart carries that particular type of gecko but i know for sure that Petco has them most of the time. I used to work there and they are normally priced around $20-35 if  remember correctly. But just to let you know they are not the friendliest lizard they are known to bite. But they will eat some bugs thats for sure. And in the mornings real early sometimes you can catch them saying Tokay Tokay! Its really cool and interesting. If you live in the Arlingtohn tx area, mansfield petco almost always has them. Petco is was more knowlegable then Petsmart anyways. i hope that helps you.

  2. Oh my god those things are h**l. have you ever seen them eat? I owned snakes and i felt so sorry for those mice that suffered such excruciating  deaths. they slaughter them. it is very bloody and gruesome trust me. If you must I am pretty sure that you can have them ordered from almost any pet store that handles such thing as geckos

  3. you most likely will not find one at a petstore but try online.

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