
Can i get a brand new phone if mine broke?

by  |  earlier

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okay i have the samsung glyde.

& it does weird stuff and it like is broke i think.

so i wanna get a new phone.

like brand new,

not refurbished.

but i dont want the same phone.

can i get a diff one like a new one.

without paying or am i stuck with this one...?





  1. depends how long youve had it, and also if you had insurance on your phone then you can get a brand new one.

  2. call and find out:D

  3. Well If you have insurance you will get a new one but you probably dont because WHO THE H3LL HAS INSURANCE FOR THERE M0TH3RFUCK'N PHONE!!

  4. how long have you had it? less than a month? if so, then ou can just take it back to the store and tell them you want another phone.

    If its more than a month, than sorry. All phones you'll get for FREE are going to be REFURBISHED. No worries though; if you switch your phone three times through warranty, you can get any other phone that is cheaper than the Glyde.

  5. well if you want to Re-sign a contract then what you do is call you provider ( verizon ) and complain & tell them you want to cancel , they will transfer you to retentions and complain about the phone and network and tell them you want to switch , they will try to keep you , so they will make you an offer , just tell them the phone you want and if you don't get what you want hang up & try again :)

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