
Can i get a chinese passport if i am Australian?

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Ok. So my father is Chinese and my mother is Australian. I was born in Australia and have an Australian passport only. Can i get a dual passport kind of thing where i have an Australian passport and Chinese passport? Like the Australian/English ancestory thing?





  1. You must be a citizen of China in order to obtain their passport.  According to your details it does not appear that you would have any right to Chinese citizenship if you (or your Chinese father) have not lived there since your birth.

  2. No. Because you were born outside of China and since your Chinese father is considered to have settled in Australia permanently, he cannot pass down his Chinese citizenship to you. You're an Australian citizen only.

  3. Ancestry is not the question, citizenship is. You must travel under the passport of the country you're a citizen of.

  4. But are you Chinese citizen?? If your not,,,, then..

  5. Most countries have the system where you are eligible to apply for citizenship if your father or mother was born in that coutnry and hence you are then eligible for a passport. I have a Greek passport although I wasn't born in Greece nor have I ever been to Greece. I know many countries don't allow this, so China may be different. Either way why do you need a Chinese passport when you have an Australian passport. I understand why many people will try and get a european passport to be eligible to travel through the EU and work there, but getting an Chinese passport will not give you any advantages over an Australian passport  

  6. don't think thats possible... It all depends on were you live.

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