
Can i get a few recent developments in science??

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Can i get a few recent developments in science??




  1. Well, this female scientist abstracted bone tissue from a Tyrannosaurus rex fibula. It was soft and flexible, something we never thought we'd find from an animal roughly 65 million years old. You should be able to find something on it through the Discovery Channel website. There was a documentary on it, on one of the channels they own, maybe The Science Channel.

  2. WHAT?

  3. String theory is decently recent as far as developments in physics go, same with Dark Matter/Energy. Though both ideas have been about for a while, they've began to be able to really prove both concepts, on some abstract level, at least.

    As for practical applications of theories, some students at MIT made wireless electricity that won't mutate that c**p out of you and works at a reasonable distance (a few meters). It's done by frequency modulated induction, so instead of blasting out in a big wave like microwave energy transmission, it just jumps from the base to the endpoint, with no (known) harmful effects.

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