
Can i get a free horse or cheap please?

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hi im ale i always wanted a horse to ride i always wanted one but my parents are poor get one im 13 its my drem i want any horse to ride please make my drem come true




  1. if you can't afford a horse how will you be able to afford the food and vet care owning one entails? how will you afford to buy the equipment to care for it like the tools used to keep the hooves in good shape so they don't get overgrown or infected? and if you don't have room to keep it on your property how will you afford the stabling fees you'd need? that all costs more than actually buying the horse itself. animals are a responsibility and before you get one you have to make sure that you can afford everything you need to take care of one.

  2. I don't know where you live, but here in the southeast, we've had a drought and the price of hay has skyrocketed. A lot of owners are having to sell their horses cheap or give them away. A horse is a big responsibility and they cost a lot to maintain, I would suggest that you wait until you are on your own and have a good job before you get one, instead of hoisting vet bills, feed costs, farrier costs etc. on your parents.

  3. I had toy horses when I was your age and younger.  I loved them.

    Horses are crazy expensive.  Even if you got an old nag from the auction for $100.  Vet bills are out of this world.  And hay and grain prices have skyrocketed!  It costs as much to board one as to rent a small house!

    Better just wait till you get a job.

  4. No animal is free. Horses are especially expensive. Instead, I suggest buying Breyer horses (or something similar). You can actually do photo shows with them.

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