
Can i get a job in major airlines right after my diploma in aviation?

by  |  earlier

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Pls. help me....tnx..^^




  1. that degree in aviation isn't gonna help you out as much as you think.  The majors really just want you to have a degree in anything.  Your flight hours is what they are looking at.  You will need to build time as a CFI to apply to a regional or commuter airline then build up more time there until you can start applying to the majors.

  2. Since I`m in the same field, it seems i can help u.

    U see a dploma in aviation consists mainly of ur commercial lisence, ur multi engine instrument rating, and ur ATPL theory exams, it can also contain additional things depending on place to place. Once u do ur diploma, depending on ur country, u will need to take up the required job. For example if ur from US,Australia,UK, NZ etc. u`ll first need to be an instructor-for which u`ll further have to do a course-and then subsiquently build up ur hrs...ofcourse instructors do get paid, but only the bare minimum. If ur and Indian, like me for example, u can get a job even by just getting a commercial lisence, i.e. u dont even need a full diploma/degree. But once u build a good no. of hrs, especially on multi engine aircraft, u can easily get into a private charter, and then subsiquently into an airline. However, the process is none the less a tedious and expensive one, so i would suggest that if u do decide to get into the field, make sure ur fully incline towards it, mentally, physically, and ofcourse financially.

    And eventually if u do become a commander of an airline, ur life is set, u`ll be earning somewhere between US$10-15000 a month, plus free five star stays, and daily perks, and ofcourse the girls...yup trust me, its well worth it.

  3. You won't be getting a job flying right away, but they're always looking for guys to drive the lav truck. That's about all that they'll consider you for right out of college.

    You've got to build some flight time before they look at you for a pilot position.

  4. As said by the first person, u need more than a qualification. U need to pass flying in sims and u r required to hav numerous hours to ur name

  5. depends how good you are, in commercial flying, it is not only qualifications, you will have to go through a number of tests using flight simulaters, if you pass them then yeh, if not then you need more practice, also different companies have different requirements.

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