
Can i get a list of people who thank that global worming is happening?

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Can i get a list of people who thank that global worming is happening?




  1. thank who ??

    the Gods


    or think ???


    and by worming do you mean that this planet is becoming like a rotten apple

    and has worms

    are they the giant worms like in Dune

    this would be far more serious than Global warming

    we should tell every one about this

    have you got pictures of these worms

  2. ME !!! And add all:

    - all people in the winter sport industry

    - insurance companies

    - people workind in orchards

    - people who were putting pipelines on permafrost

    - vineyards

    - people living in semi-aridic areas near deserts

    - inuits who watch their polar ice caps

    - boats who are able to navigate new roads since some parts of the arctic are unfreezing

  3. I am pretty sure the globe is covered by worms.

    I have been told that if you remove everything from the earth,including the dirt, but left the worms behind, you could still distinguish the surface features of the earth. meaning, worms are every where.

    I thank you for asking.


  5. Me!

    I "think" that global worming is happening

    ...or do you really mean "thank" (i.e. are grateful for it)?

  6. So, I assume you mean "think" and "warming."

    That's a pretty big list you are asking for.  It will include:

    1) Every legitimate scientist in the world that is remotely familiar with climate science.

    2) Every non-scientist in the world that understands a little bit about climate science, science in general, and is capable of making simple observations and logical interpretations of data.

    I would like a list of people who can't, or don't, proofread their questions and answers for spelling and grammar errors.  It's not that hard people.

  7. Just a few for you:

    "The science of global warming is clear. We know enough to act now. We must act now."

    James Rogers, CEO of Charlotte-based Duke Energy.

    "The overwhelming majority of atmospheric scientists around the world and our own National Academy of Sciences are in essential agreement on the facts of global warming and the significant contribution of human activity to that trend."

    Russell E. Train, former environmental official under Presidents Nixon and Ford

    "Global warming is already starting, and there's going to be more of it. I think there is still time to deal with global warming, but we need to act soon. Humans now control global climate, for better or worse."

    James Hansen, Ph.D. climate scientist, NASA

    "Global warming "is the most important challenge we face in this century. The hour is no longer for skepticism. It is time to act, and act urgently."

    Prince Albert II of Monaco

    "Global warming is the most challenging problem our society has ever had to face up to.  Ice is the canary in the coal mine of global warming."

    Britain's chief scientist David King

    "By mid-century, millions more poor children around the world are likely to face displacement, malnourishment, disease and even starvation unless all countries take action now to slow global warming."

    Michael Oppenheimer, professor of geosciences and international affairs at Princeton University

    “With overwhelming scientific evidence that global warming is adversely impacting the health of our planet, the time has come for the Congress to take action.”

    Senator Olympia Snowe, Republican, Maine

    "I agree with you (Gore) that the debate over climate change is over."

    Rep. Dennis Hastert, Republican, Illinois

    "Global warming is real, now, and it must be addressed."

    Lee Scott, CEO, Wal-Mart

    "I'm trying to learn [about greenhouse gases and global warming]. The more I learn, the bigger believer I become."

    Senator Lindsay Graham, Republican, South Carolina

    “DuPont believes that action is warranted, not further debate."

    Charles O. Holliday, Jr., CEO, DuPont

    "We simply must do everything we can in our power to slow down global warming before it is too late. The science is clear. The global warming debate is over."

    Arnold Schwarzenegger, Republican, Governor, California

    "Our nation has both an obligation and self-interest in facing head-on the serious environmental, economic and national security threat posed by global warming."

    John McCain, Republican, Senator, Arizona

    "These technologies will help us become better stewards of the environment - and they will help us to confront the serious challenge of global climate change."

    President George Bush

    "We are not saying that the Earth's temperature is just going to rise. In general, as energy is added to a system, the fluctuations in the system increase. So, we expect more storms, more droughts, more wildfires, more floods, more fluctuations of all kinds. What we are saying is that weather conditions will become more volatile due to the impact of humans."

    -- S. Mukherjee & D. Brouse (2004)

    "The drafting of reports by the world’s pre-eminent group of climate scientists is an odd process. For many months scientists contributing to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change tussle over the evidence. Nothing gets published unless it achieves consensus. This means that the panel’s reports are extremely conservative – even timid. It also means that they are as trustworthy as a scientific document can be."

    George Monbiot

    In 2005, Annan offered to take Lindzen, the MIT meteorologist, up on his bet that global temperatures in 20 years will be cooler than they are now. However, no wager was ever settled on because Lindzen wanted odds of 50-to-1 in his favor. This meant that for a $10,000 bet, Annan would have to pay Lindzen the entire sum if temperatures dropped, but receive only $200 if they rose.

    “Richard Lindzen’s words say that there is about a 50 percent chance of [global] cooling,” Annan wrote about the bet. “His wallet thinks it is a 2 percent shot. Which do you believe?”

    James Annan, a climate scientist at the Frontier Research Center for Global Change in Japan

    NASA's Gavin Schmidt

    "Regardless of these spats, the fact that the community overwhelmingly supports the consensus is evidenced by picking up any copy of Journal of Climate or similar, any scientific program at the AGU or EGU meetings, or simply going to talk to scientists (not the famous ones, the ones at your local university or federal lab). I challenge you, if you think there is some un-reported division, show me the hundreds of abstracts at the Fall meeting (the biggest confernce in the US on this topic) that support your view - you won't be able to. You can argue whether the consensus is correct, or what it really implies, but you can't credibly argue it doesn't exist." -gavin

    Dr. James Baker - NOAA

    "There's a better scientific consensus on this [climate change] than on any issue I know - except maybe Newton's second law of dynamics". -Deltoid, ECOS Letter

    Jerry Mahlman, NOAA

    "Global warming is almost a no-brainer at this point," said Mahlman, who lives now on a mountain in Colorado. "You really can't find intelligent, quantitative arguments to make it go away." - The Star Ledger, Tempest brews in weather think tank

    "We've got about 20 years to turn (greenhouse gas emissions) around or it's going to cost the world a lot environmentally but also economically," said Terry Hughes, a leading Australian coral specialist.

    Authors of a report on global warming as a national security threat.

    – Gen. Gordon R. Sullivan, USA (ret), former Army chief of staff and current president of the Association of the United States Army (board chairman)

    – Adm. Frank “Skip” Bowman, USN (ret), former director of naval nuclear propulsion at the Naval Sea Systems Command

    – Lt. Gen. Lawrence P. Farrell Jr., USAF (ret), former deputy chief of staff for plans and programs, Headquarters U.S. Air Force

    – Vice Adm. Paul G. Gaffney II, USN (ret), former chief of naval research and head of the Navy Meteorology and Oceanography Command

    – Gen. Paul J. Kern, USA (ret), former commanding general, U.S. Army Materiel Command

    Adm. T. Joseph Lopez, USN (ret), former commander-in-chief, U.S. Naval Forces Europe and of Allied Forces, Southern Europe

    – Adm. Donald L. Pilling, USN (ret), former vice chief of naval operations and Navy chief financial officer

    – Adm. Joseph W. Prueher, USN (ret), former commander-in-chief of the U.S. Pacific Command and former U.S. ambassador to China

    – Vice Adm. Richard H. Truly, USN (ret), former NASA administrator, shuttle astronaut and the first commander of the Naval Space Command

    – Gen. Charles F. “Chuck” Wald, USAF (ret), former deputy commander, USEUCOM and director of Strategic Planning and Policy at Headquarters U.S. Air Force

    – Gen. Anthony C. Zinni, USMC (ret), former commander, CENTCOM

    I'm tired, so I'll stop now.


    destructions that happens over time...  still happening today

    immediate destructions that is long overdue for earth... may happen tomorrow.

    Either or, if mankind is not smart, there will be no-more man-kind... and here we are today... fighting over puny lands/race/differences that does not exist in the beginning and may not exist after earth does us in.

    We know it is happening... just that some of us are in denial..

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