
Can i get a still photo from a video i recored on my camcorder??

by  |  earlier

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i recorded my 8 yr olds birthday party i want to know if there is a way to take a fram from the "movie" and turn it into a still photo.... thanks for any help




  1. Any video editor will be able to grab a frame.

    Warning: a still captured like this will not look very good - if there is any movement, it will be blurry. Camcorders work because they can fool your eyes into thinking there is motion when it is actually a series of stills...

  2. ya i think you could if you hook it up to a PC & dowm load it & then go to make a movie & you could take from there all so what kind of camcorder you have because some camcorder  have like built in cammera at the same time your recording you could take a snap shot of what your recording i hope i was some help to you good luck ,lol

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