
Can i get an American driver license if I'm not US citizen?

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I live in Europe and I'm not US citizen.




  1. You have to show the papers and visa that allows you live, work or go to school in the US. A tourist visa will not work regardless of what other country one comes from.

  2. No, seeing as you're neither a citizen or  living in America... What use would it have to you anyways?

  3. You need to be a legal resident of a state with proof of identity.

  4. Yes, provided you have the following documentation:

    I-9 and Social Security number OR

    Visa and Passport

    That is what the NCDMV will tell you, anyway.

  5. It depends if you have social security or not and what state your planning to move to mostly every state requires you to have ss in order to get a license

  6. Yes, as long as you have a valid unexpired I-94. But some states (ie. Florida where I live) make it a huge pain in the a$$ to get a drivers license for foreign nationals. They tie the expiry date of your license directly to the expiry date of your visa...which is rediculous, because if your Canadian your allowed to be here for months without even having a visa. So im not sure how they expect you to physically get yourself out of the country once your visa expires if they immediately take away your driving privileges, given that they cut up your Canadian license when you switch it to a FL one. I guess we are supposed to hitchhike back to the border when our contract ends? :)

    In Florida you have to stand in line at the DMV to renew it every single year (they don't allow foreigners to do it online), and they give you a temporary piece of paper for 30 days every time until the real one comes in the mail. And as I found out the hard way, you cannot use that temporary piece of paper as identification. So for 1 month out of every year you will have issues buying things like Alcohol and getting into clubs, unless you walk around with your passport all the time (not recommended).

  7. You must be a US citizen, or legal permanent resident, or live in the US holding a visa which allows you to remain in the US for more than one year.  Anyone other than citizen or LPR will get a license that expires on the date of their visa.  You don't live in the US, so there is no way you can get a drivers license in any state.  

    If you are planning to come here for a vacation, most states will allow licenced drivers over 21 (or 25) here on legitimate tourist visas to drive for the term of the visa up to a max of 30 days from date of arrival in the US.  So if you have a 14-day tourist stay, you can drive from date of arrival up till the 14th day, by which time you have to leave the US anyway.  If immigration gives you 60 days, you can only drive for the first 30 days.  After that, if you get caught, it's driving without a license and you have major, major problems!

  8. You can have an American driver license if you're not a US citizen provided you're a legal permanent resident of the US, that's not a problem.

    However and in your case, there is no reason to get an American driver license, and you would not be allowed to have one. Like I said, you need to live in the US in order to get a US driver's license. Each state has its own driver's license and each state has different regulations, although usually you need to be a permanent resident (a.k.a. green card holder) and need to have a social security number.

    You live in Europe so you automatically do not qualify.

    However if you intend to come to the US as a tourist and drive a car while you're here, then you may do so using your European license.

  9. Yes if you are legally allowed to reside here...

  10. Yes, as long as you are at least resident or have a visa to work here in the USA

  11. yes, you can, as long as you have a visa or green card

  12. If you live in Europe, then no.  However, you can apply for an international driver's license in Europe that will be recognized in the US for any extended vacation time.

  13. If you come over on a visa, you can use the license issued to you from your country of origin i.e. temporary operator's license.

    You cannot get a United States issued license, unless you become a legal resident.  Some states vary, but all in all.. you can be issued a temporary legal alien license.

  14. Only if you haver residency or a green card. If you are a student, yes. If you are only visiting, no. You can just get an international license while on your visit.

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