
Can i get an ifection while going swimming and i am on period but i dont wear tampons?

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Can i get an ifection while going swimming and i am on period but i dont wear tampons?




  1. I don't see the correlation between TSS and swimming? And I haven't heard of any other infections related to swimming on your period. If you are PRONE to infections, avoid lake water (or any water with bacteria), but that also counts for eye, ear, or open skin infections. If you don't like tampons all the time but want to use them while swimming, consider the all-natural unbleached tampons that you get online or at the healthfood store. Or, simply change out after swimming! They say that the water pressure keeps you from bleeding, but I wouldn't want to lay around the beach, or hang out on the boat (in and out of the water) unprotected while on my period.

  2. If you are swimming in chlorinated water - no. Chlorine kills 99.9% of EVERYTHING within 90 seconds. As a lifeguard, if there is a pool fouling (f***s or vomit in the pool) I still have to go in, and it is safe for me to do so because of all the chlorine. And when there is a deck fouling - all we do is splash some pool water on, and the chlorine kills everything.

  3. clorine kills germs so do the math (hint NO)

  4. What ewww I would hate to be in the pool with you.

  5. I think you are referring to Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) that sometimes happens when a tampon is used too long and then the person goes swimming.  As long as you use products as directed, it is safe.

    It is safe to swim while you are on your period, and the surrounding water pressure will actually keep all the blood in until about 5-10 minutes after you get out of the pool.

  6. Wow, you're going swimming during your period and not wearing a tampon. You're braver than I am.

    Contrary to popular belief, your period does not stop while you're in the water. (If that were true, every woman 10-60 would be spending 1 week a month a pool.) The water pressure may equalize your period and prevent it from flowing out. So while you're in the water, your period is still going, and building up until the pressure is unequalized--when you get out.  If you wear a pad, it would be full of water, if you could find one with an adhesive strong enough to stick to a wet bathing suit. If you're not wearing a tampon, it has to go somewhere. I'd be more afraid of embarrassing myself than getting an infection.

  7. Don't, that's gross.

    You probably won't get an infection but you could give one to someone else.

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