
Can i get an unbiased opinion on the women's chinese gymnastics team?

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Can i get an unbiased opinion on the women's chinese gymnastics team?




  1. They tried to give the gold to the Chinese but in the eyes of everyone the chinese did not even deserve the bronze. The Americans were almost flawless,but if they made the same number of mistakes the chinese made they would not have won. It is truly amazing that they won even though they were not playing on an even or equal playing field.

  2. I think they are an amazing team, much better than the US. and are being given a hard time becasue the US cant except the fact that they lost

  3. I'm not one to pull for any one team in competitions,I call it like it is,not just because they're from my country.

    1.Shawn Johnson deserved higher scores on the slant bars and on the balance beam.

    2.BOTH of the Chinese gymnasts DID NOT deserve the high scores they got on the balance beam.They were wobbling like crazy,and it wasn't impressive.

  4. thanks again "molly,"

    16 yrs they have billions of people to choose from why would they break the rules I would say their second best team would win all the medals as well and probably their third best team would as well .

    People should just accept they are good gymnasts and stopped hinting that they are cheats and get with the spirit of the games which seems to be sadly lacking on yahoo tonight.

  5. well im about to sit down and watch the all round comp and due to the enormous volume of gymnastic questions the unbiased opinion will need to wait.....


    edit: This is an unbiased opinion of the chinese team only, scores reflected the gracefulness beauty and athletesism of these petite girls, they are the best in china - (that I have seen) in a long while and deserve to be called world class gymnasts.

    Clearly the focus has been on comparrisons of age and score, honestly take those away and the focus goes back to how well "they" as gymnasts coped with the amount of pressure they were truly under not only from themselves, coaches and the Government but a whole nation, and eventually other countries.

  6. They are very good, but not as good as their scores are showing,....they are obviously underage...and are proving to be tough comp

  7. If you're talking about the underage issue all I can say is that they're innocent until proven guilty. There are arguments both for and against the Chinese gymnastics. They really do look younger than 16 and apparently there were news articles or something that showed that their birthday is not the same as the ones on their passport (but China's press is not the most reliable source of information). Of course, the government surely has the ability to fake a passport. On the other hand, these gymnasts started training at the age of 3 and that kind of training would delay puberty and keep the athletes short and small. Also, the Chinese coaches can choose gymnasts from a country of 1.3 billion people. Would it be that surprising if they pick a bunch that looks younger and smaller than their actual age. Finally, this Olympics is hosted in China and I doubt that the Chinese government would dare to cheat in such an obvious way.

  8. I'm not American so I feel no bias towards the USA or Chinese team, I AM CANADIAN

    I think the photos speak for themselves on their age. The Chinese media sad that one star was 13 years old however when the western world found it, it was quickly taken off the web.  Theirs scores also appear to be a bit high as I just saw that small American girl your network has been flashing around and it was said she made 1 mistake.  I then saw the Chinese girl go and she made 4 yet scored slightly under the American.  It seem unfair how hard the judges are on the Americans and how easy they are on the Chinese.

    HOWEVER I STILL THINK CHINESE TEAM IS INCREDIBLY TALENTED  especially considering their age and the pressure their country puts on them to do well.

  9. They are being scored a bit too high.

  10. They suck monkey nuts.  

  11. Sure, they are pathetic, blatant cheaters.

  12. They were good, but something seems a little aloof(haha I've always wanted to use that word!) I do think they deserved most of the points they got (I'm rooting for U.S.A though) The Chinese have had one girl last Olympics lie about her age. But hey Nastia just won anyway unless Shawn beats her.

  13. They performed very well in these Olympic games but unfortunately they have been mired with those underage girls controversy. For what it's worth I truly enjoyed watching them in the women's team final they were great. Honest opinion. It's just that the scoring earlier tonight was highly questionable.  

  14. you ppl need to stop sayin that the US are sore losers anybody can see that the chinese team scores were too high an that the US girls were under scored. u ppl just dont wanna admit that the US might just have deserved a fair trial. bottom line the scores were to high for the chinese when they didnt deserve it the women were shaky on sum apparatus an still got high scores look at the execution before u guys start running off at the mouth. an i am not american i just believe they deserved fair scores an they werent given that.

  15. I could give a c**p about their age, but the scores are outrageous.  If you watch any gymnastics, there is no way they should have scored that high on some routines.  Pathetic cheaters.

  16. America needs a new people to be the enemy...Iraq is getting really old and passe...China is the new flavor...give us a few months...we will grow out of it.

  17. i believe the chinease gymnist are underaged

  18. I am a Canadian as well as the last person to believe in cheating or a conspiracy with many many Chinese friends.

    Something unjust is occuring right before my eyes.

  19. ive only seen that Shawn Johnson and the guy's team to be at least 'good'. everyone outside of them dont look like they trained long enough, or they were just filler =/ Im disgusted.

    you wanna see real gymnastics, look up domonique dawes, or nadia [...] or chusevitina on you tube ...

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