
Can i get citizenship if my son is british by birth?

by Guest33810  |  earlier

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my son is british and is mom but am jamaican living and working leagaly in can i get citizenship to finance my son?




  1. A person born in a particular country is by right eligible for citizenship of that country and your son is eligible for the same as per his rights.

    You as an earning and support parent can be considered for citizenship provided the concerned dept. is convinced of the necessity to grant you such a status. Thereafter your wife is also will be eligible to such a status.

    Go through the formalities in a systematic way, do not conceal any details detrimental to your not being granted the status.

  2. You will need to apply for and gain citizenship through the normal channels. That your son is British by birth makes no difference to your eligibility for British citizenship.

    3 years of legal residence in the UK usually means you can apply for British citizenship.

  3. Your yourself do not have right to citizenship just because you have a child in the country. You have to follow the path that everyone else does to gain that right to citizenship.

    good luck

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