
Can i get emancipation?

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hi i just need to know how to get emancipated, how much it cost and just everything about it.

i am 16 yrs old, am in school and currently living with my mom.

I'm not sure if i want to do it becuz of the pain it might cause but i just want to be able to make my own choices. my mom isn't hurting me or not providing but i just want to be my own guardian. based on past experiences i feel that i make a lot of good choices. i also would like to have more options with my life. sometimes i just need the freedom to go somewhere else because my home isnt exactly a perfect family. theres a lot of hurt and secrets.. so

please tell me all u know and if i can get emancipated without the excuse that shes not providing..cuz i wouldnt trade her for the world. i just need out...




  1. Generally there must be some compelling reason for an emancipation.

    From what you have said, you have no grounds.

  2. HOW ABOUT WAIT TILL YA FINISH COLLEGE AND GROW UP YOU'LL HAVE A LOT OF TIME TO BE  a own guardian like  bills, drop out, and bills ! growing up too fast to much freedom

  3. This would be one of those choices that isn't so good. Where would you live? How would you support yourself? If there's no mistreatment, then stay where you are until you are an ADULT. Being on your own and fending for yourself isn't the bed of roses most teenagers seem to think it is. The horrors of reality will come quickly enough. Don't rush things.

  4. Not only do you need grounds ( doesn't look like you do) but you have to prove that you can provide for yourself everything, including housing. Do you even have a job? Wait 2 more years.. it will go quicker than you think.

  5. Of course you could be emancipated.  You have two very short years before you are an adult and then reality slaps you in the face.  What "decision" do you want to make sooooooooo bad that you need to be emancipated.  Issues with your "reproductive health" don't need parent approval.  So what is it.  At sixteen, you can almost do basically what an adult does...just don't get caught!!

  6. Hay there young lady,If your mother wont sign papers you can prove to the court you can support yourself.But 2 years is not that long.Have a family sit down and hash things out.If this is not possible that is grounds for the court to award the emancipation in part.No communication i9s a serious problem.

  7. You aren't ready. I can tell by the way you don't capitalize and use z's instead of s's

  8. Im 16 too, but personally this wouldn't cross my mind because I know I NEED their support(not to mention I love them) concerning helping me pay for my car, insurance, college etc. I hope you have a job and im not talkin 7 or 8 dollars per hour. You have to consider bills and all that ****. Basicly its a terrible idea. You will end up wanting to move back. And no one is finna give you a loan and you're 16 girl.

    Come on now

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