
Can i get everyones opinion on this. we have only been married since 12-30-2007?

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i have recently thought of renewing our vows but i have had mixed feelings because it has been so soon. so i thought maybe when we go back home before his deployment back to iraq for the 2nd time . To have something i have written read to our church (the same church we were married in) can i please get every ones opinions on this!

Just a Few months ago we were brought together in this same church.

Family and Friends joined us to celebrate as we began our lives together

we have had our ups and downs

we have grown closer together and we have had our smiles and frowns

we have been through things many couples don't experience, but we have learned to get throught them.

i do not know what god had in store for us.

but i do know that i love you.

i love you not only for you but for the person i have become

and for the stength that you have given me

i want you to know that i will always love you

as a military wife i have learned so much

i have learned how to have love that i never thought was possible and for so many other soldiers

i have learned to have strength and hope and that god has a plan for us and everyone else.

and all wwe can do is hope and pray.

being a military wife has brought me closer and closer to god everyday.

i pray and hope for him to keep my husband and all of our troops safe and strong.

as my husband i want you to know that i love you with all my heart

and no matter how many deployments and times apart er go through i will always love you and be waiting for you.

althought it has been a short time i want to tell you this again

I vow to love you, to cherish you and support you

i vow to be faithful, honest and true

and i vow to be the best wife i can be

i vow to love you till death do us part.

i love you philip

love your wife Shantel

What do you think and is there anything i should change?

thank you

*its not really to renew our vows its just something i want read and then have a prayer to all our troops afterwards

*he has gone to the church since he was a baby. the whole church knows his life story. we would not pay anything and its just something i thought would be nice to have read and the followed by a prayer

*we are together right now but hes supposed to redeploy by the end of the year

**we have gone through a deployment, 4 miscarriages the lose of his dad, him being blown up twice, being moved to germany, lost soldiers who were very close to us, told the chance of us having a baby is 1 in 16 million. the chance of me carrying full term is about 5 %. and many other things so i dont want to hear anything about us being newelweds and not had our ups and downs

Thank you




  1. First of all yes your poem is nice. Second if you put yourself out for all to see like that then you are opening up to criticism so don't say that you don't want to hear it. Just letting you know! But I do hope that things get better for you. Remember your given challenges in life for a reason over come them and be a better person.

  2. Do what you wish.  To me vows are for life.  The are not like drivers licenses...they do not expire.  That is why the "good times and in bad" is in most voes in some way.  It covers the bad.

    I personally feel all of this is a rather private thing, but if you feel like singing on the roof tops...go for it.  But I am not sure I would call it renewing vows.  It sounds lovely though.

  3. I think it is beautiful.  

    God Bless


  4. I think you two are lucky to have each other. Good luck.

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