
Can i get evicted for loud music?Ok ever since my fiance moved in with me we have been having problems with my

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neighbor below us..We stay in an upstairs apartment and my neighbor stays under us...He threatened to stab my fiance if he didkeep it quiet and yet we never filed a complaint against him for threatening him. My fiance just got a music system in his car yesterday and was trying make sure it was hooked up properly and i admit it was loud for maybe 10 he left and he started smelling smoke coming from his trunk so turned around came back to the apartments and had his system on trying to see why it was smoking..and the landlord told him he needed to turn his music down and my fiance said he was trying to find out what was wrong with his car so next thing we know someone had called the police from the apartment office and my fiance had a traffic ticket warrant and go put in jail. This morning I look on my door and i get a violation notice saying that if my fiance does it again we have to move. People play music all the time..does this go against me gettin another apartment?




  1. The short answer is Yes.  If your activities are disturbing of the quiet enjoyment of the premises by others, you can be given the heave-ho.

  2. Yes, they can evict you for being too loud with the rolling ghetto blaster. Yes, it will go against you for getting into another apartment (and well it should -- you need to keep the volume down).

  3. Yes, yes,yes and I bet your fiance knows that too. If you get evicted, were will you go? And when you try to apply for another apartment they can give a bad remark that can cause you not to get it, no matter how good your credit might be.Good Luck

  4. Yes. A landlord serves a 3 day notice to pay or quit when rent is not paid in a timely manner. When they want to evict for another or for NO reason for that fact all they have to do is serve you with a 30 day notice to vacate. Of course if they do give you a 30 notice to vacate, you no longer have to pay them rent because then they are breaking contract with you. Check with local Housing & Urban Development in your area and state to be sure.

  5. Your fiance does not have to play the music loud to see if it will smoke.  It should still smoke with the music at a reasonable level.

    People play music all the time. But if you can not stand next to the car or sit in the car and carry on a conversation with out yelling....then the music is too loud.

    The problem was not that he played music but THAT HE PLAYED MUSIC AT AN UNREASONABLE LEVEL!

    You might like a car that goes "boom" but the neighbors don't.

    And yes, too many noise violations - you can and should be evicted.

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