
Can i get extra point by asking any que. in Y!A?

by  |  earlier

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jst wan 2 know




  1. u just got it inversely. u lose 5 points for asking a question. if u wanna score more and more, answer as many q.s as you can ,and giv ur best ans so u can get 10 points for the best ans....!!!!!!

    so keep answering!!

  2. better you answar the question you will get 2 points.

    also you go to see the chart of points from your profile. if any help required ask me.

  3. Yes y not , believe in miracles , but dont depend on them .

  4. u can only looooooooooose if u ask more !!

  5. No..You will loose 5 points..But you can regain 3 points by selecting a best answer for your question...So,you are loosing just 2 points...

  6. govi is right...i don't want to repeat it again

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