
Can i get fined from a speed gun?

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hello ,does any 1 now if a speed gun just takes your speed or gets your reg number to .




  1. A radar gun or speed gun does not return information regarding the object's position or plate info.

    It relies on the Doppler Effect applied to a radar beam to measure the speed of objects at which it is pointed.

  2. They can. You could get failure to yield to a cop for not stopping. Dispute it if its in error.

  3. Yes the raddar gun will fine you because once a cop catches you speeding they will pull you over. If you ask how fast you are going they will tell you and the number is stored on the gun till the cop takes it off. If their is no evidence the cop would have the gun to prove it.

  4. the gun tells if you are speeding if you are, the cop pulls you over himself/herself.

  5. no is yust to see where they need more cops

  6. The camera on the cops car gets your number and who was driving

    If it was you,  pay up -- the fine will be bigger in court

  7. A radar gun, or speed gun, will display your speed only.

    It will not get your registration information, but that would be gathered after you are pulled over.

    The speed measured by the gun is sufficient to issue you a citation.

    If you received a citation, then you must prove that the radar gun, or speed gun, was not calibrated properly or was in error in someway.  This is almost impossible to prove.  

    Just pay the fine and move on with life. . .

    Edit:  If the officer signaled for you to stop (hand, voice, emergency light, or siren a visual or audible signal), then you must stop.

    If you don't stop, you can be charged with eluding a police officer, a felony charge.

    Second Edit:  The officer might have wanted to ask you a question or tell you something.  More than likely, based on your question, he was trying to stop you for speeding.  He may have given you a warning and sent you on your way if you would have stopped.

    Now, you have bigger problems.  You eluded a police officer.

    If an officer comes to your door, don't be surprised.

    He could have visibly gotten your license plate number.

  8. the speed gun only records speed of a vehicle. yes, you can get fined when cited using a speed gun assuming the gun has been recently calibrated, which most all are.

  9. Can the cop prove that the speed gun was pointed at your car, or was it pointed at a low flying aircraft just before you drove along. the easy answer is just not to speed at all ever. use the cruise if fitted.

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