
Can i get fired from my job?

by  |  earlier

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one month ago i had a gas bubble inserted in my left eye for retina detachment. i have been on temporary disability since then. can i get fired from my job if my doctor extends my disability? I still cannot see out of my eye.i live in newjersey, i don't know if we have certain laws. can someone help me with this question?




  1. they shouldn't fire you. but if they do you'll still get that week's pay. but still, they shouldn't fire you because of that. remember, you should have sick days and vacation times depending on what kind of job it is.

  2. You can't do your job with one eye?

  3. No. It is against state labor law to fire someone who has a doctor documented illness. Check with your State Labor Board.  

  4. r u FMLA qualified??


      does your employer have 75 employees??

      do you have a year at the job

      do u have approx 1300 hours in the last year??

      if yes to this

    does your employeer have FMLA poster at job site??

    has your employer made you aware of FMLA

      if no to these contact  for more information cause it sounds like your employer may have broke the law...

  5. If they want they can

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