
Can i get food stamps if i am 17 and have a baby?

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i am 17 tears old can i get on food stamps/welfare if i have a baby i live by myselfin a appartment upstairs from my mom and i dont have a job to make enough money to pay bills and rent




  1. YES you can.  Even if you lived with your mom if you support yourself you can get welfare.  Food stamps you can only get under 22 if you live by yourself, which you do.  Go and apply and I hope things get better soon for you.  Did you also apply for wic?  Also, call 2-1-1 for any help you may need (utility/rental assistance, diapers, formula, food, gas vouchers/bus passes, etc.)

  2. If you live completly separtate from your mom then yes but if it is a makeshift apartment in the upstairs of your mom's house then no.

  3. More then likely you can.  Never hurts to try. Good luck!

  4. yes, you can

  5. Yes you can, you can also get assistance with your rent and utilities, in most states a check for your baby as well. Go to your local welfare office and apply, good luck.

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