
Can i get free cable if i have internet cable?

by  |  earlier

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i have time warner cable and i know its illegal




  1. free cable as in Television?


    internet needs CAT-5/6

    Cable needs COAX

  2. The answer to your question is maybe.

    Cable Internet download is delivered as a signal on a standard cable TV channel.(Cable Modem Channel)  The channel used is up to the technical makeup of the cable system. The rest of the channels are standard cable TV.  The TV set will not display the cable modem channel as there is no usable picture on that channel. The authorized cable modem detects that channel for Internet usage.

    Now when cable Internet is installed by the cable company you get all the cable TV channels including the cable modem channel.  BUT!!! since the cable TV company has to pay the cable networks so much per subscriber for programming they only want the NON cable modem channels  to go to paying customers so they trap out all but the cable modem channel.

    So you don't receive them.....

    UNLESS the install guy forgets to put on the trap.

  3. Why are you trying to steal the cable signal you could get into serious trouble and get fined for thousands of dollars .

    Call Time-Warner and order cable tv instead of trying to be a theif .

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