
Can i get herpes/stds from..?

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Can i get stds from touching a quater that been in my pocket for like 30 min that i found on the ground. Anyway what if i touch the quater then like 3 seconds later i went to go pee which means i touch my p***s. Can i get stds/herpes from that??




  1. thats how i got herpes, quarter was loaded, hey im not kidden

  2. no, that is SO unlikely that it's basically almost impossible. and you can't really get herpes from an infected person touching a quarter and then you touching it. stop worrying!

  3. the chances are like zero. the virus isn't stable on surfaces/air. im sure there are many other germs that could have been on that quarter and can possibly infect you with farrr greater chance than herpes.

  4. Unless you're homeless, you shouldn't be picking up money off the street anyways. The only exceptions are "Lucky Pennies," or "Pennies from Heaven." however you want to say it..... Other important tips to remember:   1) Examine a person THOROUGHLY for herpes before accepting any change from them. 2)  Be responsible if u are aware that u carry the virus ; should a person approach you for change, always inform them first that you are infected with the Herpes virus.  My dream is that we can make the world better one quarter at a time... Start young... don't be afraid to tell your children about the dangers of handling other peoples loose change. Especially boys!  Teach our little girls to be strong & firmly say " I'm sorry Johny, I can not accept your nickle... Your nickle may have touched your pickle & I don't want your Herpes!"  

  5. I wouldn't worry about it.  100 years from now,  no one will know the difference.

  6. Herpes needs a moist humid environment to live. I dont know about American coins, but Australian coins are not usually moist or humid. Their a coin not a set of genitals. (Though you can catch it from a moist toilet seat, yes its been proven and all that). Symptoms of herpes may not be apparent for two weeks or up to a year or two. It is a virus that lies dormant in the base of your spine and flares up in times of stress or illness(the flu etc).

    Can you catch Herpes from a doorknob? A glass? A book? No. A coin? I dont think so.

  7. Not really a chance...It doesnt live outside the body long enough...

  8. if the quater was infected yes

  9. The way I understand it, those things spread by skin to skin contact or if you share drinks or utensils from another person imeediately since the saliva can carry the disease.

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