
Can i get in trouble for this ?

by  |  earlier

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on here in answers i often ask questions relating to my traumatised miserable life ive suffered.

im 30 and suffer with bpd and ptsd .

i have particularley hit a very rough spot in my moods recentley, severe lows and moods swing...loneliness and depression i wait for group therapy..

anyhow in the last week alot of aggression and rage has come out in my questions in the form of aggressive words , which obviously i dont mean.

in the past week in my questions ive said this in one question :

'' ill self destruct and ill make sure others feel the permenant effects of the impact. ''

i think i said that at the frustration at my circumstances , living alone etc...being isolated and feeling paranoia i was being socially alienated by people in society - as ive felt like that all my life because of severe bullying.

i got an email from a user called ed about that statement , he said this ''

Message: And by the way, your threat to do harm to others is not unnoticed: ill self destruct and ill make sure others feel the permenant effects of the impact. REMEMBER, you did write that. Should I be reporting that to the authorities? In this day one never knows!

Now I have given enough of my time to someone I have never met, half way around the world, but a fellow human being. Now I will wait to see what progress you make. Like everyone above says you do not seem to do anything but whine. I've got work to do!

Addendum: Now my wife is going to say I have wasted 1.5 hours of my time sitting at the computer so I've got to get to work. The heat is on!

Best Regards


it got me worried , because the question i think i said those words is now resolved so i cannot delete it.

also isaid this the otherday in a question to, once again anger and aggression showing through ;

'' i feel so enraged sometimes i could nuke or hydrogen bomb the world 30 times over ''

i know i dont mean those things but i suffer horrendous circumstances, have a lot to cope with and rage and frustration get the better of me at times.

what does anyone think ?




  1. no no.. Don't worry, You made no direct threats.. You can say you were talking about somthing else im sure. It said nothing That you could really prove was talking about killing/harming others.. And the Nuking the world is 99.99999999% immprobable.. so that won't ever be an issue..

    You'r in the Clear.. You prolly shouldn't continue though just because of the harrasing e-mails and the probablility that you'r yahoo account could be deleated if you Continue

  2. I personally told you long ago, to be careful what you put in print on a site. People are not stable these days, and many could and would take you wrong. You have threatened to smash skulls, from just looking at their happy faced avatars, the avatars that is. I have seen you threaten to smash heads, although I won't say who it was you were referring to.., I am sure  you don't  mean it, but you didn't have to post it in writing. This is using the internet, to pose threats if someone wanted to truly use it against you. I would suggest that you make sure you explain to Ed, that you are harmelss,and that you mean noneof what you are 'feeling' at that time...Many people who have suffered horrendous childhoods, ARE capable of doing things like this, and this is just what you DON"T want people to think of you. I don't think that anyone could build some sort of case against you...but you must admit, if someone sent you an email, and told you that you made them feel like nuking the world over and over again,...wouldn't you be a bit aprehensive yourself,? and wouldn't you report them>? just trying to shed some lite on this situation.  

  3. I think that the best thing to do when you feel this way is to write yourself an e-mail in the form of a question that you want to pose on "Answers". Leave it a few hours then go back to your e-mail and: 1. Try to read the question as if you were someone else and see how it comes across and 2. See if you feel the same way about things. If the answer to the second question is yes and the question sounds ok, then don't be scared to post it.

  4. i think you should just ignore this email from another user as you have both said nasty things just ignore it and let die down, but maybe in future when you sense yourself feeling like that you should come on to answers as eventually you could land yourself in a lot of trouble

  5. I think u should've made the meaning of the question clear.i understood a bit.tell him u rnt going to destroy him nd u rnt going to create a permanent effect on him since u dont know him properly at all...xplain him bout ur feelings.nd mak him clear bout the life tht u live......any human with a heart will understand......morever,better control ur emotions next time u tend to do yoga or meditation......nd remember one one comes to u askin for frndship.1st u mak some frnds,join with thm,be a part of thm,njoy with thm though u dont want to do it nd thn they themselves would wish not to leave u forever nd ever..k?dont wry.wtever happens is for our own good.:)understand?

  6. I can see why you'd be worried as they are quite threatening, I understand that you don't mean that, but people don't understand personal circumstances when reading questions/responces etc.  I think the most you'd have to worry is being reported to yahoo admin, I'm not sure that some might go out of their way and report you to authorities.  You might want to try and stay clear of yahoo when you have moments of rage and depression, hopefully it wont cause you any more worry for saying things you don't mean.

  7. It is unlikely you will get in to trouble.  Yahoo would just delete your user account before.  Have you seen some of the stuff other people post on here?  

  8. Maybe (and I don't want to minimise any Psychiatric/MH problems that you may have) you should consider taking responsibility for your actions, especially what you write. What I write here is displayed to many people who can download, print , save etc.. and it can all be traced back to me, the author. In such cases it is therapeutically valid to vent anger and frustratiions at those around us as a way of sounding off. Through experience I know that it is highly unlikely that you will make good your threats of blowing up the world 30 times over, this was just a misplaced statement of rage and anger. The therapeutic benefit from voicing in print your feelings may be a credible way of briefly slaking your anger and self hatred, however in the long run???

    I hope you are able to confront the issues and fears that have troubled you and that by doing so be able to move into a more comfortable and happier existence.

    Until then...........

  9. i think you want people to notice you. that your a person who feels and thinks different than others. that's ok. i think it's hard for you because you are who you are and people chose not to acknowledge it by avoiding you. you may act on your actions, but the outcome will still be the same and so will you. next time write the feelings down in a journal instead of on line if that concerns you.

    good luck

  10. I don't think anyone would actually build a case. I understand where you're coming from, and feel the same a lot of the time. Some people are very sensitive, and because they don't feel or talk like that, they take your comments as threatening.

    I would possibly be a little more careful, just to avoid those misunderstanding your frustration.

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