
Can i get in trouble in the future for posting MY pictures online and(details)?

by  |  earlier

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someone on the picture didn't want to have their face shown online?


beach/travel/party pictures with/without me (rated G)




  1. No.  If you took the photo, you can post it, regardless of whether or not someone in the photo wants you to post it.  The photo is your property, and you can do what you like with it.

  2. The only trouble you will get if the person who didnt want his/her picture shown finds out lol ;)

  3. There are two issues: privacy and money.

    If you post a photo of somebody where they are clearly recognizable, they may accuse you of invasion of privacy. However, if they were in a public place, you are not at much risk.

    If you try to sell the photos, then that's another thing altogether. You may legally owe them some recompense. That's why most magazines require a model release for any photos with people in them. The exceptions to this rule are: educational, journalistic, or art use. However, it can be a gray area. If they happened to be in the photo coincidentally by being there, you're not in as much risk as you would be if they were the subject of the image and you took it without permission and without a model release, even if used for the above listed purposes.

    Be kind, courteous, and honest.

  4. If you upload it to a public site, yes you can get into trouble. With photoshop they can paste your face to a body that isn't yours, and can create nude pictures, pictures with you in a jail etc. I know it sounds unbeliavable, but a professional photoshop user can do it.

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