
Can i get into johns hopkins?

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i go to a very challenging preparatory school

i hav a 3.6 GPA on the 4 scale

excellent teacher reccomendations

29 on the ACT

im taking 4 AP classes this year

i took 3 last year

and 2 the year before

i am the vice president of a club

i am a minority religion

i could not do sports (i had knee surgery)

and im doing early decision for it

what are my chances of getting in?




  1. Well you do have a good chance in getting in, but really it doesn’t matter what your religion is. It’s good that you took all those AP classes.  Your ACT is a little low, but still good. It’s good you’re in a club; colleges love it when people look like they’re committed. Your GPA is a little low but its ok, you said your school was hard. I’m only 15 but I know all about what collages need. John’s Hopkins is one of the colleges I want to apply to too.  Your chances are pretty good, hope that helps!  

  2. Those are great credentials, but even I have seen better stats on some people who did not get into hopkins. Sorry if my comment came off as offensive, but you need to have something that will distinguish you from the other 10,000 people who apply to hopkins with the same or better credentials than what you posses. And even qualified applicants are rejected. Consider the following. I know a girl who currently attends hopkins and is in her senior year there:

    She is a korean student who lived in korea all her life before moving to the US. She entered an american high school without knowing any english. She skipped two grade levels and entered 9th grade. She picked up english quickly and pulled off around a 4.5 GPA, 1450/1600 on the SAT, near perfect scores in SAT II for chemistry, calculus II and biology. She played the violin at her county orchestra, played the piano for her church choir group, was in many clubs and tutored SAT, SAT II, chemistry, math up to calculus. She also did research at the national cancer institute. She accomplished all even though she had the laguage barrier to overcome.

  3. Put it this way - you're not a shoo-in, but it's not a long shot, either (unless you're hoping for a really competitive major like biomedical engineering, in which case I hope you've got something extra going for you: internships, science fair research, volunteer work, etc.).  The early decision will help, especially if you emphasize in your essays and interviews that you've done your homework on the school and know why you want to be there more than anywhere else.  Good luck!

  4. pretty good my mom got a masters degree at it

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