
Can i get into yale??????????

by  |  earlier

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im about to go into junior year, and ive done avrage aroung 84 in sphmore and freshman year, if i do a lot of community hours, get a 95 avrage junior and senior year, do well on the sats, join the drama club, do a perrmidiation program, get involved in the school news paper, can i get in?




  1. u wont know till u try, go for it

  2. It really depends on what you declare your major is. If you major in something such as medicine or some pre-med option such as that, it is a lot harder to be accepted. A "B" average is not very exceptional for a Ivy League school such as yale. You need to be achieving well over a 4.0 GPA in order to be accepted into Yale. Also, taking many Advanced Placement test would help a lot too. They look at things such as AP Scholar awards. SATs and grades are the number one thing colleges look at, no matter what people tell you. Yes, extra curricular activities are going to help you, but you really need to focus on your studies.

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