
Can i get laser eye surgery if i have a scleral buckle for a previous retinal detachement?

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Can i get laser eye surgery if i have a scleral buckle for a previous retinal detachement?




  1. I had a patient turned down by our lasik surgeon recently as she'd had a history of retinal detachment.  The answer is controversial.  Most Lasik surgeons offer a free consultation.  I would ge two or three opinions before making a decision.

  2. surely you can have a LASER surgery for your refractive error after SB procedure.Since after SB procedure your eye have found a myopic shift (you have been near sighted) ,you may prefer to improve your vision by means of glasses or LASER surgery.Of course if your corneal structure allowes to this procedure to be done irrelevent to past SB procedure.

  3. I'm fairly certain you can, seeing as how most refractive suregeries are performed on the cornea, which shouldn't affect the buckle. Consulting an opthamologist is, of course, mandatory as there are many test that need to be done before a refractive surgery, and if there is any problem with performing it the opthamologist will let you know.

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