
Can i get medicaid or insurance with my boyfriend if im 16?

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I am 16 & i just found out that i am 5 weeks pregnant. i told my parents and they told me they dont want to have to deal with my medical bills. So how do i do it? Can i get medicaid under his name or would we have to be married? i am frustrated and need advice.




  1. Do not trust that last piece of advice...they want to take your baby away and place it for adoption.

    You have a choice here.  Go see planned parenthood.

  2. You can get medicaid under your name. Go to the health department and tell them you are pregnant and have no means to get medical care. They will help you get started with prenatal care, WIC, and medicaid.

  3. You can't get medicaid under his name.  You have to apply on your own.  

    But bad news for your parents - you're a minor, they're going to be stuck with your medical bills, whether or not they want them, unless you marry this boyfriend.

    Medicaid will be based on HOUSEHOLD INCOME, even if you try under your state chips program.

    In any case, you've got a lot more coming up on your plate than just insurance issues.   I'd strongly, strongly suggest you see if there's a Gabriel Project in your area -  for a link of contacts.

    The Gabriel Project is an ever-growing, Christian-based network of church volunteers standing together in their commitment to offer assistance to women and families facing crisis pregnancies. The members of the church communities announce that they see in the creation of each baby a fresh expression of God’s unfailing love. Participating congregations “advertise” their commitment to life by placing a Gabriel “Sign of Life” in front of their church:

    The sign with its toll-free hotlines assures every mother that the local church community cares for her and her family and that they are prepared to offer her immediate and practical help.

    After listening with compassion to the caller, an initial assessment is made. The caller is then referred to the nearest participating church for personal follow-up and support.

    They may also be connected with a pregnancy resource center for additional material support.

    The role of each participating church is to meet with any mother referred to them for help, to pray with her and to assure her that Christ and their congregation love her and will help her. After identifying her fears, the church community simply responds in love by providing spiritual, emotional, and material support to help her meet her needs, Churches may at times choose to partner in supplying material needs.

    For the many women who are abandoned by their families at the time of a crisis pregnancy the church community lovingly fills the void left by a missing family. Each congregation develops its own unique response to the needs of the mothers under its care. Churches in the Gabriel Project stand ready to provide a mother with the kinds of assistance that she needs in caring for her unborn baby, such as:

    * Friendship, emotional support and prayer,

    * Babysitting and rides to appointments,

    * Pastoral care and counseling,

    * Resources for medical and prenatal care,

    * Financial assistance resources and

    * Resources for housing, education, adoption and employment.

  4. Your only option is Medicaid and under your name; no insurance company will accept you if you're already pregnant unless you are married and your boyfriend has a group policy through an employer.

    Type in "Medicaid + your State" into your favorite search engine to find the nearest office to get information and to apply. There are income restrictions so if you live with your parents you may not qualify.

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