
Can i get my neighbour arrested?

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My neighbour is making us prisoners in our own home! Everytime we leave the house she shouts abuse. Everty night she is very loud untill 5am. I have had to miss days off work because my wife and baby are scared to leave. The police have been told and the council envirmental health. But they do nothing beacause it is only verbal. But it is mentally killing our family!!!




  1. if your local council has a dept which deals with cases like yours (mediation service) try that or failing this make a folder logging every problem she causes, take photographs, use cctv cameras to gain evidence, if all this fails  blow her house up  ----- only joking really.-- my sympathies are with you this is a big problem and no one seems to care it can get you down to such a state some people take drastic action one local man here took a shot gun to his neighbours sons (just threatened them)  after years and years of torment at their hands then turned gun on himself shot himself dead what a terrible waste he just felt no-one in authority cared.I wish you well and hope your neighbour decides to behave.

  2. just go round and ***** slap her, kill her dog in front of her, beat the c**p out of her boyfriend, burn her house down, wreck her car,  

  3. get in touch with your local community liaison officer at your community centre (usually sure start children centres ) and explain your situation also try and gather evidence install c.c.t.v cameras are other neighbours suffering abuse too if so ask them to support you in gathering evidence if she is making excessive noise at 5 am the environmental health have a duty to sort it out  

  4. Get the officer's details, and harass the officer until something happens.

    Make a diary of events, as detailed as possible with full details of witnesses and if possible audio/camera evidence.

    Whats she is doing is Harassment under the Harassment Act of 1997,  when you speak to the officer given your case say you are making a complaint under this law. If the offence happens late at night or is threatening call 999 as the police MUST respond.

  5. move

  6. I have a similar neighbour, no abuse though just really noisy till very late.

    i contacted the council who are my landlord and a bloke came to see me and just shrugged his shoulders, didn't and still don't want to know.

    i would advise you to see you're MP or AM if in Wales i've been to see both and the MP especially was pretty helpful in getting people to listen.

  7. Take out a civil injunction on this woman. This will prevent her from speaking to you or attempting to contact you in any way. Breaching a civil injunction is a criminal offence, therefore the police can then arrest her. You would be required to provide a statement to this effect and provide any evidence. Evidence could include a third party witness or video of her doing this. The best evidence would be where she hasn't been provoked into breaching the injunction, this makes the allegation stronger, with a more realistic chance of her being punished in a court of law.

  8. You have my utmost sympathy. This kind of behaviour should not and cannot be tolerated.

    Keep a diary of the outbursts, with times, what is said, and why. Use all recording methods possible (tape, camcorder, etc), but do nothing to encourage or discourage these episodes.

    Give all your evidence to the Council or police.

    Phone Social Services Mental Health Team, anonymously, because you feel your neighbour is in danger from herself.

  9. Do you have a video camera or a tape recorder?  Leave it on one night so you have some evidence to present to them.

  10. Your council should have an anti-social team or department and you will need to get in touch with them. The police can do something if this woman is intimidating your family. Ask them to have a word with this woman. If they won't help then i would contact a solicitor and get them to write to this woman. I can sympathise with your situation as i lived next door to the neighbour from h**l 2. Her son tormented me and my daughter for 2 years before the council finally moved me. She was a homeowner and i was a council tenant so she did whatever she wanted to me. The police need 2 get off their backsides and do their job protecting you and your family. I would also suggest installing cctv cameras as you can use the footage as evidence against this woman. I had to do this and the footage i collected was invaluable as it proved that i was the victim and not my ex neighbour who blamed everything on me telling the police that i was starting it. Don't give up hope and i know it will be a hard and long fight but you are in the right so don't back down.

  11. keep calling, keep calling, keep calling.

  12. Firstly get a diary and write down every incident

    that occurs,ie what she said and the times

    same withe the night time noise.

    If the people who you have already contacted do nothing keep badgering them.get in touch with noise abatement

    keep on to environmental health,go see the police.

    Telephoning them is useless.

    Also get in touch with you councillor,his phone numbers

    and Email address can be obtained from the library

    or off the web

    Good luck kid.

  13. you most definitly can and DO IT!!! record it if you can and go to the police!

  14. Keep a record of everything that is said, dates and times. You may need to issue an Injunction to stop this happening. A solicitor should give you half an hours free advice of how to go about this. Call the Environmental Health Department when the loud noise is taking place they are on duty 24/7. They can install noise monitoring equipment which may also pick up the abuse. The Police will only give her a warning so you need to do something else. Good luck

  15. I had the same problem for over five years,  the police have a duty to act under the harrassment law brought in   in  1997, put a complaint into the IPCC,  it should jolt the police to act,  do not be misled by the police saying to you 'don't make a fuss, keep your head down'    this is your life and that of your family we are talking about  fight fire with fire, better to bring it to a head than to live in fear. good luck!

  16. go back to the police and complain if nothing is done go back and ask to speak to the chief inspector if nothing is done then go to police headquarters and see the chief constable they have a legal duty to sort this out,as for the council they have to help keep complaining and if nothing happens go and see the chief environmental health officer ,a tip is whoever you speak to make a note of there name [in the case of the police there number as well ] and the time spent with them and a rough transcript of the conversation just to jog your memory if you need to go back  

  17. It shouldn't matter that it's "only verbal"

    The environmental health should be involved because of the noise until 5am, and the ASBIT ( anti-social behaviour investigation team) should be involved regardless of the time of day.

    As I type this I can look out of my window, and directly across from me is a front door, with an eviction order taped to it.  For six months we had neighbours who would have parties until all hours, which would spill out in to the street, and they would give you abuse if you asked them to be quiet.  The police would only come and tell them to keep it down and five minutes after they were gone it started again. Four months after the council were involved, they were evicted....aaah, peace and quiet.!!!

    You have the law on your side, it's just a matter of finding the right people to help you.   Look in the Yellow pages/phone book, under you local council listings, or just google ASBO in your area.

    Good luck.!!!

  18. Yes they can be arrested for shouting abuse.

    The best thing to do is obtain an anti-social behaviour log from the council and record the events and times. The police should take a statement if you report the matter to them with regards to the harassment dedpnding on the nature of the abuse.

    The police can not do much about noise and it is the reponsibility of the council noise nuisance department. Again it will depend on the severity of the noise etc.

    Alternatively you can take out a civil action against your neighbour by contacting a solicitor. You might be able to apply for an injunction against them.

  19. When she's too loud to sleep, call the police.  Technically if it's a noise violation, they have to report it.

    If she's only verbally abusive, though, there's no reason to be trapped in your home.  Simply ignore her and go on about your life.

    I understand her affecting your sleep, but don't let someone control you just by yelling at you.  Either you ignore her and she keeps it up, or it escalates.  If it does escalate, call the cops, and she'll be gone.

    Either way, your mentality needs to be stronger against her.

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