
Can i get my relationship back to normal after my girlfriend of 15 yrs had an affair

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she had an affair with a man she new before she met me, she had s*x with him a few times before we met, she just bumped into him a couple of months ago and she has then been going to his house on a evening telling me she was going to a freinds, she dosnt seem happy now its over i can tell she still has feelings for him.

wot should i do?




  1. So she shags another guy and you're going to be such a doormat, have such little respect for yourself, that you are just going to ignore it?

    Grow a sac. Lift your self esteem. Dump her.  

  2. Ask her what she expects out of your relationship.  Maybe she feels your relationship is going nowhere and is seeking out for a more serious intimate relationship.  Fifteen years as girlfriend is a long time.  Girls want a guy to be a little more comitted to her.  If marriage not in in near future maybe a nice promise ring.  A girl needs to see a path to somewhere.  If she is bored and seeking different than quit your routine.  Be spontanous.  If plan A don't work try plan B etc... Girls seek attention.  Spice up your relationship.  Don't smuther her, leave a little mystery for her to wonder... If she is serious about you than it will work.  I feel that she is bored and seeking out for excitement or fantacy.  If none of this works you move on, her loss.  

  3. i shood try to forget her i mean think about it if she's telling u she's going to her friends when she's going to another man's house, i mean she sounds like a total s**t she's lieing and cheating u shoodnt go back out with her.

  4. I know it will be hard-but get on now. Before the whole marry then divorce subjects come up. Find someone who only wants you.

  5. you should talk to her about it,, just sit down with her and have a good talk about it because you'll never be sure with advice that we give you, you have to ask her and just try to sort it out.  

  6. A girlfriend for 15 years? Maybe she had an affair because she is tired of waiting for you to propose. If she is not happy having only you, and not this other man, you need to let her go. There is no way of making her happy if she can't make her own self be happy. I'm sorry, because I'm sure you loved her. But no one deserves to be treated like that!

  7. dump the *****

  8. back to normal? Sometimes events throw us into a "new" normal .It depends on if you want to accept this and work it out (unlikely) or if you want to let her go and move on , maybe back to normal has run it's normal course . I do not condone cheating , I have been cheated on and you realize you'r to good for that person and you move on .  

  9. You could just talk to her. But if I dated a guy for 15 years and hadn't proposed, I'd probably move on too.

    Tell her how you feel, and you want to know what she wants to do. But if you don't trust her anymore, it's not worth it. Because you'll always be questioning her even if she stops and that will p**s her off.

    I wish you luck, go talk to her! :P

  10. You are one very sick puppy. Girlfriend of fifteen years, Ha !!!

  11. what can i really said to you! well you need to ask her what are her feelings for you and the other guy! is difficult to trust a person that broke you heart cheating you after so long of being together. is not easy but trust me if you ask her how she feels you will be so much better because from there and on you will definitely know what to do. wishing the best of luck! your friend 2dramtic

  12. things could still work for the two of you but it sounds like sell be involved with other men but she might not

  13. break up with her! you deserve better! and she doesnt deserve you!!! what she did,is rlly wrong and if she loved you,she wouldnt of done sry ]= good luck in the future [=

  14. affairs are the worst decision a person can make in a relationship. first hand knowledge here. things will never be back to the way you want them because that guy will always be in the back of both of your minds. see how it goes for a while but if you don't see it getting any better I would say leave her. it's her own fault

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