
Can i get points on my license for stopping on double yellow lines i picked up my mate?

by  |  earlier

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it wan't me but my friend but she is really scared now




  1. Parking ticket but no points

  2. No, parking offences incur a fine but not penalty points on your licence

  3. No you can pick up and set down passengers as you please as long as you don't cause an obstruction

  4. You may stop to pick up and set down passengers on yellow lines if it is safe to do so, so long as you are not on a clearway.

    Parking on yellow lines will get you a fine, but no points.

  5. you can get a FPN

    fxed penalty notice


    but it is non endorsable...

    so it is a fixed 30.00 fine  but no points on your or her licence...


    the fpn has a requirement to produce valid mot tax and insurance for that vehicle...

    such that if she is asked to produce those within 7 days and the insurance or her entitlement to drive isn't valid then she could get points for that as an un related offence.

  6. Stopping for how long and did your friend get a ticket, if not then no but I would never stop on a double yellow line anywhere.

  7. lol dnt worry u r allowed to pick up and drop off on double yellows and if the cops aint seen ya then u aint got sonthing to worry about heck i park on the bus stop to getc hips and the zig zag bit of zebra crossing to get chips i iant never got dun 4 it

  8. no your friend wont get any points at all , if she go caught the police officer or the parking warden would of issued a ticket but i have never haered of getting points on your licence, and in your case defo no because she was just dropping you off

  9. yes

    although i think its stupid

  10. I understand that you may stop for a short while to board and alight passengers or load or unload. I can't remember if it was either 2 or 5 minutes (one or the other), and you must not obstruct the flow of traffic in the street - a thing I see frequently down our high streets outside Mackydees and Woollies - usually chavs picking up their daily intake of burgers and DVDs.

    It depends largely on the person (traffic warden or policeman) though, and I have found that they 'usually' ask politely, once, for you to move. If you lip them, they give you a ticket for sure. I know I would if I was one.

  11. Stopping is not parking - 2 different things.

    Double yellow lines show Parking restrictions, not stopping restrictions.

  12. Did you leave the car and a traffic warden came by? If you were in your car, they would just ask you to move.

    If you returned to the car with a ticket stuck on the windscreen then no, you'll probably just get a fine. If you parked in a really stupid place which was causing a dangerous obstruction you might, but II find it unlikely.

    Sorry you had to throw away £30!

  13. Where I live you can't get any points on your license if you stop on double-yellow lines unless there is a traffic warden there and there is no one in your car.

    If you're in your car and you'll only be parking for a short while then only stupid jobsworth traffic wardens might fine you or something.

  14. You won't get points for parking on a double yellow line - but you do if you park on the zig-zag lines next to a pedestrian crossing - 3 points.

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