
Can i get preg from this?

by Guest61855  |  earlier

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i have really irregular periods. it's been 2-3 months since any bleeding. i had s*x last night and my bf got *** in me. i checked my cervix and it was high wet open and somewhat soft. could i get preg with my cervix open and high like that?




  1. If you had s*x when you are ovulating you have a greater chance of becoming pregnant. Ovulation takes places USUALLY 14 days after the first day of your period. Sometimes when you have irregular periods you may not know when you ovulating. I have heard that the cervix is usually high and soft when you are pregnant, but that is not a surefire way of knowing considering your cervix changes shape daily.

    Just get a pregnancy test so you will know for sure. PCOS may lessen your changes of getting pregnant and may also cause infertility... so you may have a hard time trying to conceive.

    By the way, I wouldn't listen to everyone giving you a hard just shows how ignorant they are. This is what yahoo answers is all about!!

    Well, anyway...GOOD LUCK!!!

  2. what just a girl said

  3. U'know condoms come in all sorts of colours, shapes, sizes....and they even sell them in gas ststion restrooms! Ur gonna buy the preg test ppl a new Ferrari at the rate ur going !!! Condoms r cheaper !!! Tell this boy if he loves u and wants u ~ RESPECT YOU~  !!!!!

      ~ HE CAN PAY 4 A d**n CONDOM!~

  4. how did you learn the technique of checking your own cervix? honey that could be fatal. it can cause infection, and there would even bring on a miscarriage if you are pregnant.

  5. There is no one on here who knows if you are prego or not. Why do you chicks continue to ask a question that there is no way in h**l anyone half way across the world would know the answer to?

    I am going to go with a big fat NO, seeing as I have a 50/50 chance at being correct.

  6. Yes!! I'm I doctor and I say YES!! call me at (555)555-5555..seeya!

  7. sounds like a yes.

  8. yup. you could even get preggo at your most infertal time just getting a little of his foam on top of your woo woo.  

  9. Have you thought of taking a pregnancy test?

    May help you more than explaining your bits on the internet.

  10. why do you people ask online if your pregnant.  if you dont know we dont know. if you had s*x with someone there is always a chance you are pregnant.  i dont know about anyone else but thats the rule of thumb i learned in school.  you dont want babies, abstinence is the way to go.

  11. of course !

  12. Your probably preggy  

  13. get a preg test

  14. Yep !

  15. Anytime you have unprotected s*x, you take the chance of getting pregnant. I would think even more so if your cervix was open. It makes it even easier for the sperm to get in and do it's job. If it pooled around your cervix, I would think that the chances are even better.

    Have you taken a pregnancy test anytime between your last period and now? If not, I'd take one just to check. If you have and it was negative, I would wait and see if AF comes. If not, take another. You never know.

    Good luck.

  16. I would say that the there is a good chance that you might be pregnant. What I would suggest is that you take a pregnancy test or call your doctor/obgyn. Sorry some people are so mean on here. Best of luck to you.

  17. You know the answer.

    Egg+sperm=possible pregnancy.

  18. well if that happened probably

  19. Yes!! BUT Im not real sure since you havent had a period in 2 or 3 months. Take a test!! Good luck! :)

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